Why Pinnacle Online

What we offer

Account fees that don’t grow with your investment.

We charge you flat Account fees rather than fees based on a percentage of the value of your investment. So, as your investments grow, your Account fees won’t.

Experience and scale.

We’ve been in business since 1986, have $15.6 billion of assets under administration (at December 2017) and look after the investments of more than 100,000 customers.

Award winning products.

Winning the Shares Award for Best SIPP provider has been a great achievement for us as a company, and is all the more special since it was voted for by our customers.


You can access more than 4,000 different investments.

And convenience for you.

You can manage everything together in one place, with 24/7 access to your Account online.

Account fees that don’t grow with your investment

As your wealth grows, the charges you pay to us won’t

  • We charge flat fees.
  • We DON’T charge a percentage of the value of your investments.
  • So the amounts you pay depend on the accounts you hold, the services you use and how often you use them. Not on your wealth. That seems fair to us.

A balanced view of flat fees

Can be expensive when:

You plan to invest a small amount and not add to it over time.
You plan to buy and sell investments very frequently.
Can be great value when:

You plan to make a larger investment.
You plan to build a smaller investment into a larger one over time.

The flat fees difference

We charge everyone the same flat fees, no matter how much they have invested.

6 different account types to choose from